AWS Backup CloudFormation template sample

I was recently working on the creation of the AWS Backup(to backup our EFS file-system) using the CloudFormation, good thing AWS just recently announced that AWS Backup now supports CloudFormation, but the docs seems lack in sample snippets for the developers to use as a reference so I decided to... [Read More]

vless! the colorful less

vless is just a script to implement a command “less” to make a colorful output like vim, this script actually used the vim macros to apply the colorful output. How to use it? Just clone the script here vless Then just run $ cd vless $ sudo ./ You can... [Read More]

S3 Virus Scanning

A simple solution to implement an additional security on your data on AWS S3. this is to make an antivirus scanning on every new data/object added on your S3 bucket. Feature Uses ClamAV to scan “newly” added files on S3 buckets Updates ClamAV database every 3 hours automatically Publishes a... [Read More]